Making a Basic HTML web page


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The easy way to making a Website using HTML code

Learning basic HTML code is not that hard
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language the fundamental programming language of the web.
This page explains basic code for html tags for building HyperText Markup websites
Without getting to technical ! For the beginner and first time webmasters.

Some Html code basic rules :
Lower case is recommended as more advanced page design is now all lower case.
  • Html does not care about letter case (capital and lower case letters)

  • For example the tag for a table row can be written <TR>and <tr> or <Tr>
    and will be treated the same way when viewed in web browsers
    File names are an exception PICTURE.jpg is not the same as picture.JPG

  • Html uses start tags and end tags

  • Each tag is enclosed with brackets the start tag <>and the end tag which includes a slash </>
    Example : <html> everything here between these two tags is your web page </html>
    <html> is the first tag on all html coded web pages and
    </html> is the last tag on all html web pages

  • There are keys on your keyboard you cannot type into text areas on your pages

  • These are the html special characters used for html code.
    You use them for the tag code but you cannot type them into your html page code as text.
    Examples : Brackets < >  and quotation marks "  are used for html code.
    These characters have to be coded to be used as normal text.
    double quotation marks on your page code would be coded &quot;
    Periods are not special characters.

  • Mistakes can't hurt anything or break your computer

  • The worst thing is your page won't look the way you want it too.
    So have fun and make yourself a web site !
For complete rules and the very latest in html code and HTML 4.01 Specifications
The World Wide Web Consortium

A Very Basic HTML web page tag layout with tag explanations
Html code can be written offline with a simple text editor like windows notepad.
You need only to save it as a .htm or .html file to have a web page that
can be viewed offline or uploaded to a web host to be live on the internet.
Their are many free web hosts for beginners who want a web site.
Text in blue is not part of your html code

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
This html tag declares to browsers that your page is html 4.0 in English
The html tag marks the beginning of your html page code
Head tags contain the title tags for your page
Also can contain meta tags and java script that are not required for a basic web page

<title> This is the name of my web site </title>
Between the title tags you type in regular text to name your page what ever you want
The end head tag
The body tag starts the area of the page code where you will put your content
Your text and images go between the body tags.

<h2> This is a heading tag </h2>
Heading tags are used like headlines in your local newspaper.
Text between heading tags will always be bold.
You can change the size of your heading with the number in the tag
The numbers 1-6 are used 1 being the largest
<h1><h2><h3> and so on up to 6.
The paragraph tag separates blocks of text into paragraphs.
</body> </html>
The end of your html code

Make a page of your own ! Copy and paste this code into notepad to make a page of your own.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<title> Make this text the name of your web site </title>



<h2>News Flash HTML Beginner making Web site </h2>
I want the world too know !
If I add enough paragraphs to this I will have a novel !
</body> </html>

When saved as a .html file with notepad The above html page code will look like this

News Flash HTML Beginner making Web site

I want the world too know !

If I add enough paragraphs to this I will have a novel !

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